Every learner at Petty Pool will have a rich and varied curriculum based on their aspirations, EHCP outcomes and individual abilities.

You can view our most recent prospectus here 

You can view our attendance guidance here

Study programme

All learners must have an EHCP on entry. Following a two-week induction, all learners are profiled to their individual study programmes. Learners can continue to the maximum of three years if they are continuing to show incremental progression subject to a panel process and agreed by your LA.

Study programmes are made up of four key elements…

1. Your core aim

We ask students to pick a key subject that is of interest to them

2. English & Maths

Compulsory subjects covered in Functional Skills

3. Work experience

Work experience linked to your chosen subject area

4. Non qualification activity

Life Skills, Enrichment or Tutorials

“Our daughter has made great progress this year and loved the diversity of her lessons.”

“We are very happy with how our son has settled into his first year. His independence has improved a great deal thanks to the caring nature and hard work of the staff at Petty Pool.”

Supported internships are a structured study programme based primarily within an employment setting. They enable young people aged 16-24 with an Education, Health and Care plan to achieve sustainable paid employment by equipping them with the skills they need for work, through learning in the workplace. Supported internships are unpaid, and last for a minimum of six months. Wherever possible, they support the young person to move into paid employment at the end of the programme.

The year-long programme is designed to support students with learning difficulties who wish to gain paid employment but require some additional support to do so. The intention is that students spend most of their time in the workplace, accessing college to develop their maths and English, and specific workplace qualifications if appropriate.

Curriculum Entitlements

To compliment all of our pathways, learners also access the following sessions weekly to widen their curriculum and prepare them for adulthood. 

Learners develop their skills to live more independently in the future. They develop practical skills and make decisions in using equipment to prepare basic meals, laundry and cleaning and generally learn how to maintain and run their own home. Learners can also take part in our travel training programme to understand how to become more independent. Learners will also develop skills to keep themselves safe online, learn about healthy relationships and access a cultural education.

To help keep themselves physically and mentally fit and healthy, all learners will access the Healthy Lifestyle programme. This pathway is dedicated to teaching learners about fitness, health and nutrition as well as mental wellbeing using the NHS 5 steps to wellbeing as a framework. We have strong links with local sports and activity groups such as Cheshire FA, Hartford Golf Club, Barnton Cricket Club, Winnington Park Rugby Club, Panathalon and Association of Colleges. Learners will also cover some of these topics:

  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Health and wellness
  • Setting healthy goals
  • Managing emotions
  • Developing positive self esteem

Learners will develop a holistic view of healthy living, by understanding the importance of how to lead, implement and monitor a healthy, active lifestyle. Learners will be supported to manage their own health as they move into adulthood. By managing physical activity, the learners are supported to improve their health through physical skills such as yoga, dance, football, Boccia, boxing and basketball. Learners are encouraged to embrace the benefits of health and fitness opportunities in their lives. 

All learners take part in a weekly Enrichment session which is their opportunity to try different activities which they can also access in their leisure time. Learners choose a different activity each half term.

Enrichment activities include:

  • Community Participation
  • Sports
  • Cooking
  • Makaton Choir
  • Dance
  • Languages
  • Art
  • EGaming
  • Hair and Self Care
  • Nature and Wellbeing

The PSHE AND RSE curriculum is designed to provide a comprehensive and inclusive learning experience that supports learners’ personal, social, and emotional development. The curriculum is sequenced to develop prior learning and to deepen learners’ understanding of each topic throughout their time at Petty Pool. The programme is organised into 6 different sections, which will then have topics linked to it;

  1. Self-Awareness (Me, who I am, my likes, dislikes, strengths and interests)
  2. Self-care, Support and Safety (Looking after myself and keeping safe; aspects of Relationships and Sex Education.)
  3. Managing Feelings (Understanding feelings, and that how I feel and how others feel affects choices and behaviour; aspects of Relationships and Sex Education)
  1. Changing and Growing (How I and others are changing; new opportunities and responsibilities; aspects of Relationships and Sex Education)
  2. Healthy Lifestyles (Being and keeping healthy, physically and mentally)
  3. The World I Live In (Living confidently in the wider world)

This curriculum intends to empower learners to be ambitious in their learning and enable learners to develop essential skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary for leading a healthy, fulfilling, and responsible life.

Personal, social, health education, relationships and sex education sessions teach learners about building and maintaining healthy relationships, managing money, developing a Healthy Lifestyle, and keeping safe at home, online and in the community.

All lessons will be taught to in a safe and creative learning environment that learners will be part of developing, this will help learners to explore values and attitudes, collaborate ,express opinions, share feelings and consider others and be brave by promoting open discussion.

Learners will explore different topics through weekly tutorial sessions, Healthy Lifestyle, and Independence sessions.  These topics will continue to be threaded through the rest of the curriculum, ensuring learners can revisit, progress, and build on knowledge of each area.

If learners require more support, discreet interventions will take place to ensure the learners can continue to develop their skills and knowledge in certain areas.

Learners will have access to a range of resources from organisations such as Life Lessons, National Development Team for Inclusion, PSHE Association, NSPCC, Safeguarding Network and Cheshire Police.

Learners can explore different vocational opportunities available to them. All participate in a minimum of one internal or external work placement on a regular (usually weekly) basis. An experienced team of coordinators support learners in the selection of appropriate work experience based on realistic work aspirations.

Learners will plan and run their own business enterprise project across the term and naturally develop employability skills.

Learners will engage in studies that explore the world around them and prepares them to be a valued member of their community. They will have opportunities to explore their surroundings and recognise how they can take care of their environment, this includes Petty Pool’s own 40 acre woodlands that the learners will regularly explore and engage in forestry school.

Functional Maths and English at Petty Pool is embedded across all areas of the curriculum. This makes learning contextualised meaning that functional Skills are developed and practiced within all sessions to provide learners with essential knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable them to operate confidently, effectively, and independently in life and work. Our approach to teaching Functional Skills is holistic, targets are worked on in lessons, off-site visits and within the workplace, enabling learning to take place organically. 

On entry to the college, we assess each learner’s levels of Functional Skills. Learners then access a suitable pathway either using a RARPA (non-accredited) framework model, stepping stones qualifications to bridge levels to exams or exam entry with Pearson Edexcel Functional Skills Entry 1 to Level 1. The pathways are appropriate to each learner’s ability and aspirations to meet outcomes from EHCP’s.

Each learner has access to a 1:1 IPad to facilitate learning and develop digital skills for life and the workplace. Learners have access to Microsoft365 accounts to learn the relevant software programmes needed in the world of work to prepare them for life after college. Learners engage through a variety of Apps and software to assist with English and maths and to record their progress on their vocational courses.