Applications for 23/24.

Applications for 2023/2024 are now open.  Application forms can be requested by calling 01606889097 or [...]

Neurodiversity Umbrella Project!

At PettyPool we are proud to support The ADHD Foundations Neurodiversity Umbrella Project, we have [...]

New Term Dates!

Student Term Dates: Autumn Term 2022 Autumn Term 1: Monday 5th September – Thursday 20th [...]

Christmas Break!

  Thank you to all of our stakeholders for your support throughout the last year.

Petty Pool Festive Market!

Open to the public! Petty Pool will be holding a festive artisan market on Friday [...]

Celebrating our Invaluable Volunteers!

Its National Volunteer week next week and we thought we should celebrate our wonderful long [...]

Helping Cameron Realise His Vocational Dream as a Blacksmith!

At Petty Pool, it is our job to help students reach their vocational aspirations! Here [...]


We are absolutely delighted to receive a £5,000 grant for Petty Pool from the super-generous [...]

Petty Pool Gets Inventive During Lock-Down!

Petty Pool staff and students have certainly been making the most of the recent lock-down [...]